Giving you the fund$ to build your dreams

Applications for the 2024 Lavi Rèv Dream Grant open in September

The $1,000 Lavi Rèv Dream Grant aims to uplift and support the dreams and aspirations of black and brown women across the world. These funds can be used to cover various expenses associated with pursuing their dreams, such as education, business startup costs, a flight ticket, or community projects.

This grant includes 2 Lavi Rèv consulting sessions to give you the strategic foundation needed to grow and scale. Applications that are selected to move forward will be scheduled for a 15 minute introductory video call to pitch your business / project / dream. 

Subscribe to the Youtube channel and follow on Instagram for the latest updates. 

Lavi Rèv is a consultancy specializing in strategic planning, finance, and project management, with a key focus and commitment in supporting the next generation of women-led founders of color. From New York City to the Caribbean islands, the firm serves communities typically underserved by the professional services industry. 


Schedule a call and tell us more.